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  • Real SEO Marketing

    Let’s be clear, SEO Marketing certainly has the goal of obtaining higher search engine rankings, thus SEO being an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. But effective SEO marketing must also evolve beyond your website consistently hitting the…

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  • Which Postcards Are Most Effective?

    When preparing to advertise your business, or market a new product or service, postcards are an affordable and tangible printing solution. Postcards are typically printed in two main sizes: 4″x 6″ and 5.5″ x 8.5″. But, which postcard shape will work best for your direct mail campaign or hand-to-hand word of mouth promotional efforts?…

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  • Standard Business Cards Vs. Foldover Cards

    Traditional business cards, that come available in the one-sided or double-sided printing format on a 3.5″ x 2″ card stock are still terrific promotional tools. But why not jazz up your business’ presentation with the visually appealing brand marketing that can be achieved by printing foldover…

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  • Offset Printing Vs Digital Printing

    Digital and offset printing both have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on what a business’ promotional and marketing needs may consist of. As far as color is concerned, offset printing utilizes the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, key black) four-color model, while digital printing can make use of both the CMYK and the RGB (red, green, blue)…

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  • Why Group Run Printing is Less Expensive

    Group run printing is a printing industry term coined by the Launchmark branding, marketing and printing company to describe the printing process in which several printing projects are all put onto the same paper sheet in order to cut down on printing expenses and wasted paper…

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  • Brand Design That Sets You Apart

    Brand design is the strongest defense against having your company fade into the background of all your similar industry competitors, all vying for the same miniscule slice of the limited and overwhelmed attention spans of consumers. Brand visibility requires a potent brand identity that conjures up a comforting feeling of trust, familiarity…

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  • Business Card Designs – One Sided or Double Sided?

    Marketing your company, promoting your brand, advertising your skills and abilities and networking with other business professionals in your field are all logical reasons to have proper business cards designed and…

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  • Marketing a Small Business

    Small businesses may have fewer resources, a tighter budget and less of a staff than the corporate giants that dominate their prospective industry. But small business and large businesses have some crucial things in common – finding…

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  • A Brochure or Capability Statement?

    Printing brochures and capability statements are two unique and influential brand design elements and marketing materials that can spark your company profile in the marketplace. Knowing which…

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  • Direct Mail Designs That Provide Results

    When you are investing in printing direct mail marketing materials such as post cards, brochures, flyers, as well as company branded letterhead and envelopes, your direct mail only has a few seconds to either…

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  • What Are Index Web Pages and Inner Web Pages?

    Every well-designed and useful business website utilizes an index webpage and individual inner web pages in their web design layout. Smooth and intuitive navigation is the key to keeping a website user friendly and it also cuts down…

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  • Desktop Vs. Mobile Websites

    Desktop computers and laptop computers are certainly tools that potential customers utilize to seek out websites just like the one your company possesses. But while smart phones become even smarter and digital tablets

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  • CSS/HTML Coding Vs. HTML5

    When it comes to the inner workings of web design and the technological website programming that is involved behind the scenes of your web pages – CSS coding (Cascading Style Sheets), HTML coding or HTML5 coding becomes

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